Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 1

There’s a little bit of beauty in every small action. Everytime we smile or laugh, there is a little proof of a greater good. A mysterious creator of some sort that we cloud with our own projections. However, there is no such thing as equal creationism. You, the reader, are doing something entirely separate, thinking separate thoughts, in a separate time. If equal creationism were true, you may have already written these exact words. 

Why does this matter? Who gives a fried fuck about big words like equal creationism. Well, I do. You see, Nietsche proposed an idea of the Superman. Someone who takes the initiative to crawl over the TV addled mass and become King of the Hill. Power plays, intelligent design, masterful execution. There are not many people who want to take on that initiative. I do. I want to take the provocative and overused “bull by the horns” and go for a very long and memorable ride. And I will enjoy every second of it. All wise men have come to the conclusion that the journey matters. The result is entirely up to the collaborative result of the journey. Well, I don’t want just a little skip through the woods as my journey. I want to take a journey into the world of success. Where men’s names get written down in stone for being far wealthier than the rest of us fools. And I’m not going there because I need my name written in stone. I’m going there because accepting mediocrity is accepting the mundane.

I have been given a life. Some sort of creating force, chance, or other unknown entity has given me something. 
The folly of man is his sight.
Birthdays, Holidays, and Death. We live for events.
I will not be another man with impaired vision. Always looking forward or back in time. I will be living in this moment forever, so I may as well enjoy it and succeed within the moment. 

This leads me to the second folly of man. A folly that has taken me. There is a desire to be moving forward. Happiness comes from puzzles. Find a problem, discover solution, implement solution. We go through this process like computers. We call “boredom” having no puzzles. And yet we are inherently lazy. The logic behind emotions is flawed. Perhaps even so much so that our minds are the perfect example of duality. Yin and Yang. On one side we have logic. Usually correct but sometimes wrong. On the other, is emotion. Usually wrong and ephemeral, but sometimes rooted in something sound. 
If only the world were so black and white.
So now I come to the final conclusion of this rant. 

Where am I going? I have the desire to go on a journey. To live as Steve Jobs, a monk, and a pirate. So what am I going to do? How do I start my journey. A business. But what? There’s no business in show business. The economy is down. But I am watching. Observing where the masses crowd. Where people are being herded. I can see the dice being rolled and perhaps if I look close enough, I can see where they may land. 

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